Multispeciality Hospital In Bangalore | Rangadore Memorial Hospital

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+91 80 2698 3300/77/65/79/33

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Specialty Departments

Surgical Oncology

BREAST Clinic Department
The breast clinic was started about a decade ago when the concept of a separate department for
Breast diseases was at its infancy. Today it caters to the whole range of breast issues. The prenatal
and post natal breast issues associated with lactation are dealt with promptly and advice given to
patients to prevent such problems.
Breast lumps associated with puberty brought by anxious mothers are managed with counselling
regarding normal breast appearances at that age. Giant fibro adenomas in the teen age group have been surgically dealt with successfully in many cases. Cancer breast of all stages are dealt with by the team as per the protocol. There is a team made up of an efficient Imaging expert, doing Trucut biopsies on a regular basis over the 10 yr period. The pathology team does the tissue study, including the tumour markers and the relevant information to carry the treatment forwards. Breast surgery includes varied forms of Mastectomy (Partial, Total), Breast conservation surgery(BCS), lymph node sampling, Quadrandectomy, Ductectomy and Sector excisions. These are decided on the basis of the disease and the choice of the patient. Further the Medical Oncologist team is available for the decision and choice making regarding the use of Adjuvant or Neo Adjuvant chemotherapy for the patients.


Borderline case are followed up closely and advised accordingly. Regular follow up is insisted upon. Rangadore Memorial hospital has been playing an important role in the organisation and participation of Breast Screening camps for early detection of breast cancer. Slide projections, and lectures have been conducted in Educational institutions, Women’s colleges and IT companies to bring on Breast Awareness to stress the role of early detection and management of breast cancer. It is one of the cancers where complete cure is possible if detected early. Self Examination is also taught at these camps. All this has paid large dividends as more women with self detected breast lumps are walking into the clinic. Free Counselling, Guidance and Screening has been advocated for the high risk relatives of cancer breast patients. Genetic information has also been given to them. Their daughters and sisters are roped in for regular breast check ups. I am sure Rangadore team has a large role to play in the society for Prevention and Management of Breast Diseases. The Hospital administration is most enthusiastic to help the public who approach them for their services in public interest. Dr. Hymavathy Raje has 50 year of experience as an ocnco surgeon with vast experience as a breast and general oncologist. 

Facilities Offered
  • Preventive Oncology
  • Breast Screening clinic and Camps
  • Breast Counselling-High risk and familial cancers, Hormone Use.
  • Surgery
  • Benign and malignant  diseases
  • Breast Conservation Surgery( BCS)
  • Mastectomies
Supportive facilities Available with experts:
  • Imaging and Breast Biopsy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Endocrine Therapy


The Three B’S of Breast cancer  

India is now feeling the heat of the Epidemic of Breast cancer. The incidence is increasing in leaps and bounds. It has multiplied in the last decade and now it has become a health care challenge Not only in numbers but it is affecting increasing numbers of our young women folk. It is no longer the disease of old age as believed. Young mothers ,talented and educated women are falling victims to this disease which has a huge impact on our society and the family.  
We will have to take up this onslaught on a war footing if we have to win. This where the 3 B’S come in.  
What is Breast Awareness?  
Just like the other parts of the body, it must be realized that the breast belongs to you. It is thus the moral duty to safe guard it. If there S a small scratch on the nose you look at yourself in the mirror several times and wonder how such a thing happened and whether it is healing fast. An equal amount of attention also warrants the breast organ. This is called Breast Awareness. One of the reasons for late detection of breast cancer is the lack of Awareness not only the disease but the breast itself. Our society is conservative in expression of sex related problems, and some are ultra conservative. Our Gen Z feels they are free but not in the correct direction which will be useful to them. It is therefore my uttermost wish that I create some awareness of your breasts for your self.  
There is nothing to be ashamed of which ever society you belong to. With increasing incidence and late presentation of the disease, we are seeing advanced cases, where the treatment is not for cure but only a delay in the time of death. This is true. It is painful to see our mothers and sisters presenting at such an advanced stage of Breast cancer, that salvage surgery and palliation can alone be given to them. We could have saved them and given a better QOL if they had sought treatment earlier. The economic strain would have certainly been far less, and the outcome of a living patient would have been a great reward  
It is eq ually important for our male folks to be involved in this education, so that they can offer genuine help to the ferale members of their family and friends. Let their elderly mothers be free to approach them in times of need to seek early medical help.  
Place yourself in the Future Time Machine. Today the ratio of the incidence in the West is about 1:8 or 10. Today we are about 1:200. With the onset of the cancer epidemic in India this is certainly going to get worse in the future. As a prophylaxis Breast Awareness will become a life saver in the years to come. Let us be prepared for this.  
What is Breast screening? The aim is to provide an environment where a clinically normal woman, above the age of 40 years, with no breast complaints can be invited for a routine breast check(Screening), would be the most beneficial method to detect the disease early.  
This needs no expensive tool or device except trained medical personel with a keen eye for the screening purpose. They should be aware of the disease, and suspicious, if they face a situation. They in turn can urge the patient to seek help from a specialist. If this facility is provided some of the people may come up for screening ,there by having the advantage of early detection. This in turn will result in more possibilities of cure and freedom from pain caused by the disease. It will also translate to less economic stain for the family and a greater hope that the patient will live longer. Finally it will be a happy family.  
This is especially important in the “High Risk’ families, where a close member has suffered from the disease. Thus Awareness translates into Screening for cancer. Human suffering could be reduced. Out of pocket payment for the disease can be substantially decreased. Early detection means less mortality, and morbidity in society, a better QOL, and less economic burden. With this ordinary procedure we will have more women in the society alive in the future. India of the future cannot have an early demise of their educated and trained female work force as the disease strikes them in their prime. Apart from human loss the economic strains are also visible. The West has been able to produce better results in the management of Breast cancer by early screening alone. It is time that we pick up those threads to reap better results for our Indian women. What is Breast Surveillance. When a clinical suspicion arises in a breast lump detected during a routine breast examination, the alert bugle is sounded. This patient is re-examined and the necessary useful tests are performed to arrive at a diagnosis. These may help to confirm or nullify the presence of breast cancer.  
If the diagnosis points the finger to a cancer the appropriate line of treatment can be initiated depending on the stage , the type and the nature of growth. The prescribed protocol can be followed.  
If there a: suspicion but no proof as yet available, they can be monitored closely for any change in the nature of the disease. Repeated examination and tests and if needed a repeat biopsy can be done, The study involves the change in the behaviour process from the time of its detection., These methods will pick up a cancer early and the treatment can aim at a cure in the patient. Suspicion is the key in cancer detection.  
Patients fromn “High Risk’ can be closely watched. They can be made aware of Self Breast Examinations(SBE), and to report to their doctor. Their close relatives can undergo frequent testing for early detection.  
Thus Awareness, Screening, Surveillance in Breast cancer can become a great game changer in1 this dreadful disease which has become an Indian Epidemic of Gigantic proportions today. But we need to move really fast if we have to bring about a change in disease management  

Our Specialists

Dr. Hymavathy Raje

M.S(Bom), F.R.C.S (Eng) F.R.C.S (Edin), F.I.C.S F.A.I.S (Gen Surgery) PGD (Medico Legal studies), Dip. in Breast Oncology USA Certificate in Oncoplastic Surgery USA

Dr. Yeshwanth R

MBBS, MS (General Surgery), MCh (Surgical Oncology)

Dr. Kavitha Jain

MS, M.Ch Surgical Oncology